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Tel: 064-6632579

Useful information about Lissivigeen N.S.

About Us

Address: Lissivigeen National School,
Lissivigeen, Killarney, Co. Kerry.
Phone/ Fax: 064 6632579 064 6637854
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are a mixed national school, located on the outskirts of Killarney town, on the main Cork/Killarney road, 4km from Killarney town centre. At present we have 292 students enrolled at our school. We have 11 main stream teachers, 3 full time S.E.T posts and 1 shared post. We have 3 full time SNA’s and 1 half post. Our acting principal is Mrs. Ellen Cagney and acting  deputy principal is Mrs. Lynne O’Neill.

Our facilities have been boosted with two new, modern classrooms and one new S.E.T room. We also have a General Purpose Room which is available to enhance the learning experiences of our pupils.

Some Practical Information

Official School Time:
8:50 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. ........Junior and Senior Infants
8:50 a.m. - 2:30p.m. ........ 1st... to ....6th class

Lunch Breaks:
There are two breaks; 10:40 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Children are encouraged to bring healthy nutritious lunches to school.

Uniform: It is school policy that pupils wear the school uniform. This consists of brown pinafore, cream shirt and brown jumper for girls and brown trousers, brown jumper, cream shirt and tie for boys. Tracksuit is worn on P.E. days.

After School Club

We have an After School Club in the school. The club is available to students in junior and senior infant classes who would normally finish school at 1:30 p.m. The club provides supervision and fun for students in the school library. The After School Club is proving very popular with both the children and parents alike, providing an opportunity for the children to play with their friends for an hour after school, as well as being convenient for parents who would be picking up children at 1:30 p.m. and again at 2:30pm.

Homework Club

Homework club runs Monday to Friday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. For full details please contact Emma Daly @ (086) 363 2461